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My writing style

This may seem like an apology and in a way it is. I've invested much of my time into acquiring knowledge to share about the Bible but not enough in learning the art of storytelling. After 3 posts, I needed to explain my way of communicating since I can tell it's a little strange! Coming from a facts and figures based career, I have a tendency to just present the facts to support a hypothesis to finalize decisions. Then there’s the part of me that just wants to get this information out so that we can have a starting point for our conversations.

I don’t however want anyone to believe that they have to make a decision about christianity as I believe that you’re probably already a christian if you’re reading this. You may be someone that wants to follow all God’s commands and want information on how to do so. As for me, it’s taken me what would have been an entire life a century ago to put this all together! In my teenage years there were too many demands, I’d say the same for my twenties but I also wanted to be young then and then my thirties reminded me that there’s something that matters above the everyday demands that I need to address. There’s a point where I lived too many coincidences to continue to accept them as such and it was clear that these were lessons and I was going to have to learn them. That’s a tough moment as you recognize the cycles and recognize that you’ve failed a few times at what I can only describe as the same circumstances. 

So I learned the hard way since I took some bad advice and I know if I help even a few of you, it’ll cause a little less suffering to take place. The earlier you receive this, the better it is for you! This world is forcing children to grow up faster than ever and I’m sorry that instead of adults growing intellectually they’re using what they know to exploit children and prevent their spiritual maturity. If you’re unaware of what God said then you can never ask why God said these things. Definitely there are books that are longer than the Bible and still it seems like a lot to take in! I myself was concerned about overwhelming anyone new to christianity so I thought it was best to save the details till some undetermined time as getting in the basics should come first. At the same time, answering questions about our purpose can help to improve your understanding of yourself and God; It’s empowering and humbling!

After 40 years in the desert with many trials, I can say that I could have averted many of them had I taken advice from the Bible rather than people! I also can say that the unanswered questions and inaccurate teachings didn’t help to encourage seeking answers from the Bible. I instead studied metaphysics and read philosophical content that overall says that happiness is found in not connecting with God but with your higher self although your higher self doesn’t have all the answers. If you read you’ll see that there’s things no one can know so you can’t be fooled and that’s one step towards adulthood! Knowing your value is another!  

These posts are my effort to get you there and although I’m not a storyteller yet, I’m a good researcher and I’m willing to share my personal experiences. I also would like to include your writings so please send an email to if you’d like to post something. In the meantime, I’ll keep posting and I hope you keep this apology in mind as I improve!

Wishing you continued blessings

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