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Is the sator square the symbol of Christianity?

Updated: Jun 5

sator square

Many Christians see the cross as the symbol of christianity but they may never heard of the sator square. There are articles saying that this symbol is what early Christians used although they haven´t translated it. If we think about the already known customs that are important, the meaning can become clear. Jesus Christ eagerly prepared a Passover seder (or sator) with his disciples (Luke 22:15) and the importance of the passover can be found in the book of Genesis 14:18; the earliest example. Do you believe the Passover is the primary focus of christianity? Have you ever heard of a seder? Other religions call it a ceremony or mass; or some other sort of celebration.

The next word in the square is "arepo" and may certainly mean bread. Bread symbolizes the body of God/Christ so it does make sense in this context although the square doesn´t includes the word wine. Are you aware of arepa as bread?

Tenet is a word many of us are familiar with as it means principle(s). As we know, Christ asked his disciples to keep the Passover in remembrance of him in Luke 22:19 and therefore I think it's fair to say it's a tenet of christianity. Further, the Passover is described in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy! Instructions include celebrating on the first month, Aviv on the 14th day utilizing the Jewish calendar.

On the square, the next clue is the reverse spelling of arepo, the second word and spells "opera". An opera can be translated as celebration and also fits the context. This may be an emphasis to celebrate the Passover; and celebrations are usually annual and that may be related to the word "rotas" that comes next. Since the command for the Passover is for it to be an annual celebration on the fourtheenth day of the first month (Leviticus 23:5) as a sabbath, calling it an "opera" again seems fitting. The third commandment of God is to about the sabbath and the Passover is a sabbath that is also the Last Supper and an important part of christianity making and not just judaism.

I have to note the symbolism of all the words coming together at the tenet that forms a cross. The word "rotas" encircling the tenet cross is interesting as it paints a picture that's familiar. Whether forward, backward, up or down, it's the same. I like that as a symbol because God is always the same! And adding to that the reminder of Jesus Christ's gift of sharing his body and blood through the "sator" does give me an additional appreciation of this and the celtic cross symbol.

What do you think about the sator square? I suppose if arepo meant wine the square would be easier to accept as a symbol of christianity but maybe it's more about becoming a part of the body of Christ. Following that train of thought, the point of having arepo might be the baptism as that's the initiation into the body.

There might be something I missed but any of you can add information. If I emphasized the wine a lot, it's because of Matthew 26:28 that says, This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I believe christianity is about forgiveness and none of us should be so arrogant to believe we have nothing to be forgiven for! In Luke 1:77, the knowledge of salvation is through the forgiveness of sins therefore the passover has to be important. A perfect symbol of christianity might be asking too much since we're all still waiting for that! Is the sator square close enough?

I pray you continue to be blessed and that you gained insight! There´s more to come so please connect!

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