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Age of Aquarius symbolism

Have you heard of the Age of Aquarius? It means different things to different people and the timing is debated but as a Christian, we're familiar with the concept of an age. Typically it's in reference to the age of the Father, the age of the son and the age of the holy spirit. There are a few verses where Jesus references the ages including Mat 12:32 where he talks about his age and the age to come. Personally, although I expected spiritual interpretations, after a bit of research, it really seems as if people are very confused. That's one of the best times to search the Bible for information as there's much there regarding ages and what will take place so let's find clarity.

The concept of ages is found throughout the Bible but Jesus provides specifics about this topic which is in addition to what can be found in Revelation. In Mat 13:40, Jesus says "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age"and this comes after first explaining that the Angels will harvest in the end of the age. Then in Mat 13:49-50, Jesus explicitly says This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing fire. In Mat 24:3, the disciples asked for a sign of the end of the age and Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Messiah" and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. (Mat 24:4-6) As the description continues, in verse 23, there's another warning from Jesus to not believe it when false Messiah's come. In Mat 24:26 it says "So if anyone tells you, There he is, out in the wilderness,"do not go out; or "Here he is, in the inner rooms,"do not believe it." I added this because that's exactly what the false prophets I've seen have been saying! I've seen news articles about this with nature boy, Vissarion and many others. Further, we could have all become alarmed in Feb 2022 when Ukraine was invaded but it's years later and as Christ explained, that wasn't the end and can't be because there is another age that's described in Revelation.

Before taking a look at Revelation, I'd like to address the belief that astrology and christianity doesn't mix as the concept of it all being written in the stars receives a lot of criticism. Many of us prefer to read for answers as trying to interpret the stars is an entire science that is often frowned upon by christian communities. However, in Mat 2:1, it was this science that the Magi used to locate Christ in Jerusalem by following his star. There's other verses that demonstrate a connection between people and stars throughout the Bible therefore any christians that are afraid that we're straying from core christian concepts can rest assured that blaspheming is not on the agenda. If we want to reach those people who's eyes are closed, we'll have to see what they see and communicate in their language. It isn't a complete sacrifice as science-oriented thinking reminds us that even nature points us to God. In this case the pouring out of the water by the water bearer could be seen as reference to the invitation from the holy spirit to take the free gift of the water of life in Rev 22:17. Although nature can be seen pointing us there, the Bible tells us how! If anyone sees how nature communicates the how, that would be great to share here.

Taking a further look at Revelation, in Rev 20, we know that the Devil will be bound for a thousand years and Christ will reign during that time. As we all know, this has yet to happen so there are many days to come. We also know that a time after this exists as Rev 20:3 says the Devil "must be set free for a short time,"and since this is God's perspective, there's clearly time for an entire age but shorter than the first two: age of the Father at around 3700 years and the son at around 2000 years. The Jewish calendar puts us at year 5784 and so we might seem early by 200 years to move into the next age however in Mat 24:22 it says, "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." This also coincides with Jesus saying the day or hour not being known by anyone but the Father (Mat 24:36) so we can only look out for signs and be ready! If you're a believer that the age doesn't end for another 200 years, there probably isn't any urgency to repent and then it will suddenly be too late.

There's some that find it difficult to believe the words of Jesus are meant for us and not just the early christians and let's also address that! Referring back to people claiming to be the Messiah, a capital offense, that's unlikely to be happening too often directly after Jesus' crucifixion, it's something that's happening fairly often all over today's world. Additionally, it isn't difficult to believe that the word was lost for a long time as not everyone had access to the Bible and even after the printing press was created, alternate versions were printed as well as illiteracy still being an issue. The Word has to reach Samaria and the ends of the Earth and that wasn't completed in the 1st century but Jesus would have known that it wasn't accomplishable till now. Although there were churches, there's only so much information that any sermon can convey and in our modern time, we're utilizing tools that didn't exist before to decipher truth. Therefore, this is the first time we can actually understand especially since it's in hindsight! I'll share more about this subject in another post. Until then, let's consider that we've been talking about a coming age in different ways and try to see similarities!

In addition to the comparison of the water bearer to the free gift of the water of life from Rev 22:17, there's potentially another connection as aquarius is considered an air sign and in christianity there's the belief that the holy spirit breathes life into us. Instinctually, it would be easy to believe that it's a water sign but this fact reflects what's found in Gen 2:7 which says, Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. In the future I hope to delve into God the creator and the holy spirit when there's enough time, and the understanding found in John 1:1-4: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

Another similarity, is the age of the holy spirit is said to bring us wisdom/spiritual knowledge and is the same belief for the age of aquarius where knowledge is symbolized as a container of water in one hand and a scroll in the other. In christianity, the unsealing of the scroll is the return of wisdom. Rev 5-9 but particularly 5 details the unsealing of the Scroll; and about the ones that receive the wisdom held in the Scroll, Rev 5:10: "You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." Therefore, from the christian perspective, we're debating whether or not the seal has been opened vs a numerological perspective that asks if the correct date has come. Are we in the age of the holy spirit? Either way, it seems as if we're looking at the same event and surely there are other topics that we agree on if we discuss them.

Wishing you continued blessings and that we'll continue to grow together in wisdom!

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